Spiritual Gifts Assessment

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10

This assessment contains 96 statements to respond to, which will help identify what are likely your top three Spiritual Gifts and provide you a ranking of the other giftings. Honestly evaluate each of the following statements based on what is typical for you. Think about your time at Grace, in Bible studies, participating in communities and Life Groups, serving, on mission trips, etc. There are no right or wrong responses.

For each statement, choose the number that best describes your reaction to that statement. If you feel stuck, go with your gut and move on. Once you complete the assessment, your results and the definitions of your top gifts will appear on screen and be emailed to you.

Grace Covenant Church owns and maintains this assessment. We reserve the right to add Top 3 Spiritual Gifts results to a church congregant’s Realm profile and contact individuals regarding their giftings, for potential ministry opportunities.

Church affiliation (if any):

How to rank each statement

1 - Strongly disagree

2 - Mostly disagree

3 - Somewhat disagree

4 - Neither agree nor disagree / Don’t know

5 - Somewhat agree

6 - Mostly agree

7 - Strongly agree

I am joyful about the ways God has provided even when I’m experiencing difficult times financially.
I often look for something that needs to be done at church and then I do it.
I search the Bible to confirm the truth of a sermon or a claim someone makes.
I look for new opportunities to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.
I welcome visitors and am friendly toward new people or unexpected guests at church.
I enjoy learning about the Bible so that it makes more sense and comes alive.
I use my creative ability (writing, art, drama, music, etc.) to show others truths of God.
I encourage friends who are experiencing difficulties in life.
I feel deeply for others who are experiencing some kind of pain.
I enjoy sharing my resources (time, money, etc.) with those who are in need.
I remind people of what God says in Scripture and what He cares about.
I am eager to talk about Jesus with people who do not know Him.
I lead and motivate others to live out a biblical lifestyle.
I am able to recognize the root problems that keep someone from growing spiritually.
I am concerned about the spiritual health of fellow Christians.
I like to organize ideas, tasks, people and time for service projects and ministry.
I wait patiently for God to respond to or answer my prayers.
I make myself available to serve (setup, clean, etc.) whenever or wherever I am needed.
I am able to recognize when people are being ingenuine or not being honest.
I actively look for new ways to expand the church’s influence to new people or places.
I am able to make visitors feel at ease in my house, at church, Life Group, and elsewhere.

Just getting started, but you're doing great.

After I hear a sermon, I enjoy reading more about the subject or passage.
I am able to effectively explain biblical principles and truths to others to help them understand their faith better.
I help someone to try again after they have faced a setback or failed at something.
I empathize with those who are experiencing hurt and look for ways to minister to them.
I donate money and tithe (give 10% to the church), even when I’m experiencing difficult times financially.
I am able to correct a friend who is thinking incorrectly about something.
I challenge others to determine where they stand spiritually and what they believe.
I am able to direct people effectively to accomplish tasks in ministry.
I enjoy helping another believer see what God is doing in their life.
I personally mentor others in order to help them grow spiritually.
I enjoy planning the details in activities or events.
I am able to patiently endure and choose to hope, even when things feel hopeless.
I enjoy and prefer working to accomplish things behind the scenes.
I am able to spot fake or manipulative teaching or people.
I enjoy and am usually successful at initiating something new at church or in ministry.
I tend to focus more on other people’s needs than my own.
Through careful study of the Bible, I am able to help answer questions for others.
I think about unique ways to express the truths of Scripture to others.
I am able to use the Bible to help and encourage people.
I look after people who are suffering from physical, mental or emotional problems.
I give generously when I see people in need.
I often share things that I learn from the Bible with friends or family.
I have led other people to believe in Jesus as their Savior.
I am able to lead and direct others toward spiritual goals.
I don’t mind confronting a friend or family member about a blind spot or sin in their life.
I help a friend who is making bad decisions and point them back to God.
I'm good at making effective plans to accomplish a goal in ministry.
I trust God to come through, even when things seem impossible.
I have a genuine appreciation for helping things get done, even if I don’t get credit.
I look beneath the surface of people to see who they really are.
I have ministered to others by finding a solution to a need in a new, creative way.

Over half way. You are really doing this! I must say, I am impressed.

I enjoy welcoming new guests into my Life Group, friend group or home.
I look for new ways to study the Bible with other people.
I am able to communicate excitement for an idea to a group of people.
I regularly encourage or compliment others for something they have done.
I have a strong sense of the mood of a group of people.
I look for creative ways to give to God.
I share timely and necessary messages from the Bible with others.
I tend to turn conversations toward spiritual matters, even among non-believers.
When I'm in a group, I’m often the one to step up to lead and provide direction.
If someone shares a struggle, I am able to offer helpful spiritual feedback.
I enjoy helping other believers grow closer to God.
I am able to coordinate and organize details in order to meet deadlines.
I don’t struggle with doubt, even in uncertain or difficult situations.
I make myself available to take care of little things that need to get done at church.
I am able to easily recognize what is good and what is evil.
I am able to see what needs will arise in the future and plan accordingly.
If someone asks me to serve in the church lobby I am excited for the opportunity.

Nicely done! It's all down hill from here!

I enjoy learning complex ideas and studying theology.
I am able to explain complex truths and theology in understandable ways.
I regularly find myself counseling friends in difficult situations.
I am able to comfort someone who has lost a loved one.
I cut back on personal expenses in order to give money to ministry/missionaries.
I remind friends of God’s perspective on what they are experiencing.
I am able to share my beliefs in a clear and meaningful way.
I feel responsible for the success or failure of a team or ministry event.
I am able to speak biblical truth with grace.
I am able to prepare and equip other people for ministry.
I see what needs to be done and delegate tasks accordingly to get things done.
I take risks based on the promises of the Bible.
I arrive early to help set things up and stay late to clean.
I understand the positive and negative consequences of decisions that are made.
I enjoy strategizing ways that people can work together to accomplish a task.

Home stretch!

I want everyone to feel cared for and included and work to make that happen.
I often discover insights in the Bible and like to share with others.
I am able to figure out and communicate the emotions of a Bible passage.
I help people who are hurting to see God’s answers to life’s problems.
I am able to sense when people are hurting and feel their pain.
I enjoy giving money to people for basic needs (food, shelter, etc).
I know and speak up about God’s view on tough moral issues (racism, sexual ethics, etc).
I listen carefully to someone else’s beliefs and look for opportunities to share the Gospel.
I sense when a group isn’t growing spiritually and I try to do something about it.
I speak up about the sins I see in my friends’ lives and offer to help.
I work to help people in a group at church bond with one another.
I am good at organizing people and resources in order to complete a project.