Building Your Finances God’s Way
Wednesdays, Feb. 12 – April 9
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Get ready to have your life, your finances, and your relationship with the Lord taken to another level. Through these eight weeks, you’ll learn what the God of the universe has to say about money and possessions, how you can practically apply these words to your life, and how you can grow in leaps and bounds on your financial discipleship journey.

Offered next semester at Grace
Sunday Mornings at 11 a.m.

Spring 2025
Exploring the New Testament: Letters
Sundays, Jan. 26 – April 6
11 a.m. in the Auditorium
Biblical Theology 1
Sundays, Jan. 26 – March 30
11 a.m. in Education A
Gospel Conversations Training
Sunday, April 6
11 a.m. in the Auditorium
Fall 2025
Exploring the Old Testament: Prophets
Biblical Theology 2
Mission of God
Gospel Conversations Training
Spring 2026
Exploring the New Testament: Gospels
Spiritual Practices
Gospel Conversations Training
Fall 2026
Exploring the Old Testament: Writings
Christian Apologetics
Gospel Conversations Training
Discovery is a core program of 12 courses, designed to guide followers of Jesus to become more like Christ in all of life.
These eight-week courses are offered every two years, each Fall & Spring Semester.

Exploring the Old Testament: Torah
Explore the Old Testament books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. This course will outline key themes, stories, and history of each book of Torah. Whether you are new to the Bible or eager to enrich your understanding, this course will equip you to better understand the Old Testament.

Exploring the Old Testament: Prophets
Explore the Prophetic books of the Old Testament such as 1 & 2 Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, as well as the minor prophets. This course will study the lives, messages, and historical contexts of the prophets as well as the enduring relevance of their messages for God’s people today.

Exploring the Old Testament: Writings
Explore the Old Testament books of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Ruth, Esther, Job, and more. From poetic beauty to the philosophical reflections, we will explore the
diverse genres and profound wisdom
contained in these texts. This course will emphasize the timeless truths and insights of the Old Testament writings for our daily lives.

Exploring the New Testament: Gospels
Explore the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This course will study the four biographies of Jesus to better understand His life and teachings as well as the historical and theological contexts of each book. If you are new to the Bible or eager to enrich your understanding, this course will equip you to better understand the New Testament.

Exploring the New Testament: Letters
Explore the letters of the New Testament. This course will examine the major themes and theology of each of the New Testament letters. We will study historical and cultural contexts and enrich our understanding of personal faith, the church, living as a follower of Jesus, and more.
Sundays, Jan. 26 – April 6
11 a.m. in the Auditorium

Biblical Theology 1
Biblical Theology 1 is a study of the foundational doctrines of Christian theology. Using God’s Word as our guide, we will learn what the Bible says about what we believe and deepen our understanding of the Christian faith. This course explores the doctrines of: God, the Bible, Creation, Sin, the Person of Christ, the Work of Christ, and Salvation.
Sundays, Jan. 26 – March 30
11 a.m. in Education A

Biblical Theology 2
*Prerequisite: Biblical Theology 1
Biblical Theology 2 is a continuation of the study of foundational doctrines of Christian theology. This course explores the doctrines of: Holy Spirit, the Christian life, the Church, Mission, and more.

Christian Apologetics
Why do you believe what you believe? Equip yourself to confidently articulate your faith and give reasons for the hope that you have in Jesus. This course explores key apologetic principles, addresses various worldviews, and presents reasons for belief in God, the Bible, the Resurrection, and other important topics.

How to Read the Bible
The Bible is the authoritative, inspired word of God. It is also a diverse collection of ancient texts, of different genres, written by various authors, over hundreds of years that can feel difficult to understand. In this course, we will practice skills to read and understand the unified message of God’s Word.

Spiritual Practices
What does it look like to walk with God in your daily life? Discover and cultivate essential spiritual practices such as prayer, scripture reading, worship, Sabbath rest, and more. This course aims to help you deepen your faith life, foster closeness with God, and equip you with tools for spiritual growth.

Mission of God
Explore the dynamic and transformative mission of God revealed throughout Scripture. Focusing on themes of salvation, redemption, and reconciliation, this course examines God’s mission for Christians in the world, and what it means to join God in His mission, both locally and globally.

Gospel Conversations Training
One-Day Seminar Offered Each Semester
This course will equip you to share the Good News of Jesus. God loves the lost. Whether it is across the street, across the border, or across an ocean, you will learn to effectively engage people, share the personal hope you have in Jesus, and invite others to know Him as well.