Welcome to Grace!
Upcoming Events at Grace
Father/Daughter Valentine’s Day Date Kits
Register for a Kit Today
Pickup Sunday, Feb. 9
Men’s Ministry is providing a special opportunity for dads and granddads to create a special memory with their daughters / granddaughters sometime during Valentine’s Day week. We want to supply you with a kit that will equip you with date ideas, conversation starters, a Valentine card and other goodies for a special time with your girl(s). Register for a kit below!

Membership Workshops
Become a Member at Grace
Upcoming Membership Dates | Feb. 9 & Feb. 23
11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in Education B
Part 1 | Sunday, Feb. 9 | 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in Education B
Part 2 | Sunday, Feb. 23 | 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in Education B
(Please attend Part 1 before attending Part 2)

Sent Sundays
Our Prayer Meetings are on the move!
Second Sunday of the Month | 12:30 – 3 p.m.
Dates: Feb. 9 & March 9.
Students come from around the world to study at UT. Join us for an opportunity to share the Gospel with the nations in our own backyard! We’ll walk the campus to spark conversations, share the Gospel, and pray with students. Carpooling from Grace is available! Meet in the Courtyard after second service. Light lunch provided.

Mission Trip Meet-Ups (2025 Trips)
Sunday, Feb. 16
12:30 p.m. | Education Building
God’s heart is for the nations! This year there are several opportunities for the people of Grace to participate in the mission of God by taking the Gospel of Christ across our borders to reach the lost. Join us on Sunday, Feb. 16 in the Education Building to learn more about our upcoming trips.
To learn more about Mexico and South Asia, join us in Education A.
To learn more about our trip to Colombia, join us in Education B.
Trip Dates:
- Mexico: April 3–5, 2025
- South Asia: May 16–25, 2025
- Colombia: June 28–July 5, 2025

Feed My Starving Children
Saturday, Feb. 22
8–10 a.m. at Hill Country Bible Church
Grace is partnering with Hill Country Bible Church and Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) to pack 300,000 high-protein meals for delivery to global partner churches in food-insecure areas.
This is a great family service opportunity! Children of all ages are welcome to participate.
If you are interested in volunteering with the Grace team on Saturday, Feb. 22, use the link to register today!

Girlfriends at Grace
Tuesday, Feb. 25
7 – 9 p.m. | Live Oak Building
Join us for the upcoming Girlfriends at Grace for a fun evening of connecting, fellowship and games! Bring your favorite game or choose one of the many that will be available, bring your girlfriends, and come hang out with us. This is the perfect event to invite a friend to. Please register to let us know you’re coming!
CareGivers Guest Speaker: Navigating Medications
Wednesday, Feb. 19
Noon–1 p.m. in Grace360, Room 101
Join us to hear Lina Supnet-Zapata of MIR Care discuss how to work effectively with doctors and manage your loved one’s medication and medical care.
Sundays through April 6 at 10:45 a.m.
Grace360, Room 101
GriefShare is a grief recovery program based on the promises of healing and comfort offered in God’s Word. It offers a safe place to process the deep hurt of loss and is open to anyone who has experienced a death. Join anytime!
Sundays through April 6 at 10:45 a.m.
Grace360, Room 102
DivorceCare helps you face the unique challenges of separation or divorce and move forward toward rebuilding your life. It is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you during one of life’s most difficult circumstances. Join anytime!
Spring Events for Grace Kids
- Wednesdays in February – Club45 Midweek Discipleship
- Sunday, March 2 – Family Worship Night
- Friday, March 28 – Movie Night
- Sunday, April 14 – Easter Egg Hunt
Spring Events for Women
- Tuesdays, Jan. 14 – Feb. 18 – Square One: A Ministry for New Moms
- Wednesdays, Beginning Jan. 26 – Women’s Bible Study | AM and PM Options
- Beginning Jan. 16 & 17 – MomCo Elementary and MomCo Preschool
- Tuesday, Feb. 25 – Girlfriends at Grace
- April 11 – 13 – Women’s Retreat
Spring Events for Mobilization
- April 3–5 – Mexico Trip
- May 16–25 – South Asia Trip
- Second Sundays – Sent Sundays: Prayer Walks at UT
- Sunday, April 6 – Gospel Conversations Training
Courses at Grace this Spring
- Sundays, Jan. 26 – March 30 – Discovery: Biblical Theology 1
- Sundays, Jan. 26 – April 6 – Discovery: New Testament (Letters)
- Wednesdays, Feb. 12 – April 9 – Building Your Finances God’s Way

Trip to Greece – This trip is now full.
May 7 – 17, 2025
We are taking a trip to Greece, in the footsteps of the apostle Paul! In May 2025, we are taking a group from Grace Covenant Church to see with our own eyes where and how Paul took the gospel to the nations as directed by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Gifted to Serve
We are on a new journey to understand ourselves and each other better by studying the gifts of the Holy Spirit and how the Bible calls us to use those gifts to glorify God and advance His kingdom. We believe that as followers of Christ, we are Gifted to Serve. Learn more about Spiritual Gifts and take our free Spiritual Gifts Assessment to begin to identify how God has gifted you.
What is your Spiritual Gift? How are you using it at Grace?
Get started by checking out our Serve page to see how you can serve the body of Christ.
Give to Grace
Check out the link below to be directed through online giving via Realm, or how to direct a check or other contribution.
Want to know what else is happening at Grace? Check out some of our other ministries and programs below.
Adult Communities
Adult Discipleship Communities at Grace are structured to encourage, edify and educate while providing camaraderie and partnership with others in similar life stages and/or interests as you. All groups are interactive, with a teacher delivering content, followed by time with one another in conversation, prayer, and connection. We carefully craft each semester’s curriculum to be highly application-driven, which helps foster relational discipleship.
Communities can be joined any time of year!
- Young Adults: adults in their 20s
- Hearts of Grace: women of all ages and in all stages of life
- The Word & The Way: adults of all ages and in all stages of life
- Grace Families: featuring Young Couples, New Parents and Young Families
- Parenting Teens: parents of middle and high school students
- Parents of Young Adults: parents of college-aged children
- Empty Nesters: parents of adult children
To find out more, please email adultministries@grace360.org. We look forward to meeting you!
Learn more about our beliefs and the process for being baptized at Grace at the link below.
GraceCares exists to glorify God by guiding people to become like Christ in all of life. We do this by providing support for individuals and families affected by emotionally, physically and spiritually difficult circumstances.
Programs and opportunities within GraceCares include:
Registration is not required for most groups. We hope you’ll stop by whenever you find yourself in a difficult season of life and in need of some support.
Membership is a means of connecting believers into our local congregation. When you choose to become a member, we make a mutual, voluntary commitment to be used by God to minister to each other and through Grace to the city of Austin and the world.
Sermon Archive
Previous sermons are archived on our Sermons page, along with sermon notes and other resources from the messages.