Spiritual Gifts Assessment
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10
This assessment contains 96 statements to respond to, which will help identify what are likely your top three Spiritual Gifts and provide you a ranking of the other giftings. Honestly evaluate each of the following statements based on what is typical for you. Think about your time at Grace, in Bible studies, participating in communities and Life Groups, serving, on mission trips, etc. There are no right or wrong responses.
For each statement, choose the number that best describes your reaction to that statement. If you feel stuck, go with your gut and move on. Once you complete the assessment, your results and the definitions of your top gifts will appear on screen and be emailed to you.
Grace Covenant Church owns and maintains this assessment. We reserve the right to add Top 3 Spiritual Gifts results to a church congregant’s Realm profile and contact individuals regarding their giftings, for potential ministry opportunities.