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Christmas at Grace

We are so excited to worship together on Christmas Eve in person at Grace. In order to safely accommodate the Grace Covenant family we are requiring pre-registration. We are also live-streaming the Christmas Eve services at & We ask our high-risk congregants to continue to worship with us from home.

Volunteer to Serve on Christmas Eve

Help us make Christmas Eve at Grace a warm and welcoming time for everyone who attends by signing up to serve on Christmas Eve! We need volunteers to greet and check in our guests, usher attendees to their seats, drive a golf cart, set up our cookie tables, and assist with hot chocolate and coffee service. Email to help at the 5pm or 7pm service. You can serve and attend the same service; volunteering typically involves arriving a little early or staying a bit late after the service.
Click Here to Serve – Email Veronica

Christmas at Grace – 5pm Family Service (On campus)

A service for the entire family to attend together. Childcare is available during the 5pm service for children ages 0-5. Registration for childcare is available at the Grace Kids link below.

  • Plan to arrive by 4:45 pm to allow time to check-in and be seated.
  • Wear a mask while you are on the Grace Campus, including during the service.
  • When you arrive, check in with a volunteer using the last 4 digits of your phone number.
  • Once you are checked in, an usher will escort you to your seat(s). Please remain seated until you are dismissed by an usher after the service.

Christmas Eve 5:00pm Registration

Grace Kids at the 5pm Family Service (for children ages 0-5)

  • Before leaving your home, please check your family for high temperature or signs of illness.
  • Masks are required for children ages 2-3 while in common areas and hallways and encouraged in the classroom.
  • Beginning at 4:45 pm, in front of the Cornerstone building, Grace Kids volunteers will greet you and take your temperatures.
  • Please arrive no later than 5pm to ensure your spot is not released.
  • Enter the Cornerstone building, where you will receive your child’s name tag and pick-up sticker. Grace Kids volunteers will help you check your child into their room.
  • Parents may then follow the directions of volunteers to exit the building to proceed to the worship center for the service.
  • After the service, return to the Cornerstone building with your pick-up sticker and go directly to your child’s room to pick up your child. Once you receive your child, please exit the building.

Grace Kids 5:00pm Registration

Christmas at Grace – 7pm Service (On Campus)

Childcare is not available at the 7pm service.

  • Plan to arrive by 6:45 pm to allow time to check-in and be seated.
  • Wear a mask while you are on the Grace Campus, including during the service.
  • When you arrive, check in with a volunteer using the last 4 digits of your phone number.
  • Once you are checked in, an usher will escort you to your seat(s). Please remain seated until you are dismissed by an usher after the service.

Christmas Eve 7:00pm Registration


Dec 24 2020


Worship Center