Will you share your stories?

Stories matter. They have been woven into humanity since the beginning of time to encourage, inspire and teach. Jesus used stories. And you tell stories to your friends, to your children and, these days, from 6-feet away, to the neighbors you meet on walks because you have the time to pause for just a little longer than when things were “normal.” During such a time as this, stories matter.

  • How has God been teaching you during this time?
  • How have you been encouraged or been able to encourage others?
  • How have you connected with others? Been cared for by others? Served by others?

Send your stories (and a photo!) to life@grace360.org, and we will do our best to share your stories on our social media channels to encourage and teach us all while we are navigating this season of life. We will not be able to share all of them, so we appreciate your flexibility and patience.