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Serve on Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at Grace wouldn’t be complete without hot chocolate and cookies. But we need your help! Stop by the worship center lobby on Sundays in December and fill out a tag from the Christmas tree to indicate when and how you are able to serve this Christmas Eve.

Hospitality - Christmas Eve

Tuesday, Dec. 24

Our Hospitality Team makes Christmas at Grace extra special. To help us welcome and host everyone, we need volunteers to help with fun tasks such as hot chocolate making, cookie distribution and passing out candles. It’s easy to volunteer – pick your activity and time slot using the form linked below!

Grace Kids - Christmas Eve

Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m.

Grace Kids needs your help in caring for children ages 0 – 5 years old for our 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service. 

Complete the interest form below to let us know the area(s) you’re willing to serve in.

Celebrate the Christmas season with us!

Each Sunday in December is a celebration of Christmas, complete with special music and messages, beginning at the end of our Sunday service just after Thanksgiving. This year, we will also be offering a special Christmas Concert featuring the Grace Covenant Church worship team and two Christmas Eve services on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 24. Learn more about each Christmas season event below.

Sunday Services

Sundays in December
9:15 and 11 a.m. services

This year, we will be exploring the songs in Scripture which pointed toward our long-awaited Messiah through sermons delivered by Pastors Dr. Matt Cassidy and Dr. Kevin Maurice. Join us each Sunday in December at 9:15 and 11 a.m. to celebrate the season.


Grace Kids is available for children ages 6 weeks through fifth grade.

Note: On Sunday, Dec. 29, Grace will hold only one service at 10 a.m.

Christmas Concert

Sunday, Dec. 15
6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center

This year, we’re showcasing the talent of our own Grace musicians and singers with a special night of Christmas music. They’ll be performing modern and classic Christmas songs from a variety of genres, including a few songs you might not expect to hear. Join us for a fun and entertaining night!


Childcare workers will be available in the Cornerstone building for infants through age 5. All ages are welcome to attend the Christmas concert; the recommended age is elementary school and up.

Christmas Eve Services

Tuesday, Dec. 24
Traditional Service with Candlelight Hymn

5 p.m. – Family service, with Grace Kids available for Pre-K and younger

7 p.m.  – No Grace Kids available

Grace Kids

25 Days to Christmas: A Prayer Guide

This Christmas, we are excited to offer a 25 Days to Christmas prayer guide for the people of Grace! Each day we invite you to reflect on a Bible verse and a short prayer designed to center our hearts on Christ as we look toward Christmas.


A limited number of physical copies will be available in the Worship Center Lobby this Christmas season – one per family recommended. You can also download a PDF version here.


Praying Together

Grace will post each day’s guided prayer on our Facebook and Instagram pages. We encourage you to follow us on social media and join the conversation, exhorting one another as we look ahead to Christmas as one body!

Christmas Eve Worship

Tuesday, December 24 • 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
  • 5 p.m. – Grace Kids available for Pre-K and younger
  • 7 p.m. – No Grace Kids available

Spend part of your Christmas Eve with us on Tuesday, Dec. 24. During each worship service, we’ll sing Christmas carols by candlelight and hear a special message from Dr. Matt Cassidy, Senior Pastor. Our Worship Center and other facilities will be outfitted with beautiful decorations, and the grounds will include photo opportunities for families and cookies and hot chocolate to enjoy between services.


During the 5 p.m. service, children are invited to join their families in the main sanctuary for a Christmas worship experience. For babies and toddlers not participating in Grace Kids, or those who may be disruptive during either service, we encourage families to utilize our Family Room, equipped with televisions broadcasting the service and a calm, low-light environment.


Families with older children and teenagers are encouraged to attend the 7 p.m. service, where a quieter environment sets the tone for a lovely Christmas evening.