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Staff & Leadership


Matt Cassidy

Dr. Matt Cassidy

Position: Senior Pastor & Elder

Dr. Matt Cassidy and his wife, Melinda, have been married for 38 years and have three children. Their son, Ryan, and his wife, Gayle, have two daughters and live in Austin. Daughters Carey and Amy live and work in California. The Cassidys began attending Grace in 1988, and Matt was hired as Interim Youth Pastor in November 1989. He has served as Senior Pastor and Elder for 22 years, after serving in Student Ministry for 9.5 years and Adult Ministry for 2 years at Grace.


Dr. Cassidy holds a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas in Austin, a Master of Divinity from the International School of Theology, and a Doctorate of Ministry from Talbot School of Theology.


Spiritual Gifts: Teaching and Leadership


“My vision for Grace is for Her to become all that God created Her to become. I believe local churches are like people: designed uniquely for special good works in Christ, arranged before time. My vision is that Grace would continue to grow in courage in her obedience to the desires of the Father, by the power of the Spirit, for the exaltation of the Son.


My passion is to see peoples’ lives change by helping them understand the depths of Bible truth and applying those truths; relying on the Spirit. I pray that Grace would introduce and guide each and every person we can touch to progressively experience the power, honor and freedom that comes with a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.”

Dr. Matt Cassidy

Senior Pastor & Elder

Dr. Matt Cassidy and his wife, Melinda, have been married for 38 years and have three children. Their son, Ryan,...

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Ray Anderson

Position: Executive Pastor & Elder

Pastor Ray Anderson has been married to his wife, Diana, for 44 years. They raised four children:

  • Oldest son, Christopher, his wife Danielle and three daughters, Lillie, Hannah, and Ella live in Kentucky.
  • Son, Kirk, his wife Rebecca, their son, Desmond, and daughter, soon to be born, live in Pennsylvania
  • Our daughter, Mallory, and youngest son, Keaton, live in the Austin area

The Andersons moved to Austin in 1990 from College Station and became members during that first year. Ray joined the pastoral staff in 1995 in Adult Ministry, where he served for five years until becoming the Executive Pastor in 2000. He and Diana served in the Children’s Ministry, led and taught Adult Communities, and Ray and Dr. Cassidy launched the life-stage communities in 1998 including Young Couples, New Parents, Young Families and Parenting Teens.

Ray holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from Georgia Tech and a Master of Arts in Adult Education from the University of Texas. He has completed seminary courses through the Institute of Biblical Studies with Campus Crusade for Christ (now “Cru”), where he served on staff for 17 years. He is a trained Mediator and Conflict Coach through Peacemaker Ministry and has written and contributed to various Bible study materials and the book, “Search for Significance.”

Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Administration

I pray the people of Grace would be overwhelmed by the grace God has shown them and this compels them to love God and show it through their lives.

Ray Anderson

Executive Pastor & Elder

Pastor Ray Anderson has been married to his wife, Diana, for 44 years. They raised four children: Oldest son, Christopher,...

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Ryan Assunto

Position: Elder

Ryan Assunto and his wife, Allison, have called Grace Covenant Church home since 2017. The Assuntos have been married since 2007 and have three children: Blythe, Carter, and Grace. Ryan began serving at Grace in the Hospitality Ministry, driving golf carts before and after services. He and Allison also serve in Grace Kids and are active members in the Parenting Teens Community. Ryan also helps shape and energize Mobilization and Generosity efforts at Grace.


Ryan has a background in vocational ministry and small business leadership. He currently serves as the President of the Austin affiliate of National Christian Foundation, which helps charitably-minded individuals and families develop creative and effective giving strategies. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Communication from Texas A&M University and a Masters in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary.


Spiritual Gifts: Apostleship, Giving, Leadership


My prayer for Grace Covenant is that we would love God and love one another in ever-increasing measure. I pray that our view of God and our view of the world would be informed primarily by Scripture, so that, individually and collectively, with humility and joy, we would allow the Spirit of God to transform our lives. In short, my prayer is that we would become more like Christ in all of life.

Ryan Assunto


Ryan Assunto and his wife, Allison, have called Grace Covenant Church home since 2017. The Assuntos have been married since...

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Cliff Blount

Position: Elder

Cliff Blount and his wife, Becky, have been attending Grace since 2014. The Blounts have been married since 1984 and have two adult children: Kyle and Laura. Cliff and Becky have served as small group leaders in Grace Kids and participate in a Life Group together. Cliff has been involved in Men’s groups through Quest and is one of the lead teachers in the Building Your Finances God’s Way course, helping people to see their resources as ways to serve the Kingdom of God.

Cliff has practiced law in Austin since 1987 and is currently a partner in the Austin office of Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee, primarily practicing in areas of public finance and real estate. He holds a Bachelor’s in Accounting from Texas A&M and graduated from the University of Texas Law School.


Spiritual Gifts: Giving, Serving, Faith

My prayer for Grace is that, in all of our ministries and activities, we would accomplish the reason for our existence – to guide people to become like Christ in all of life.

Cliff Blount


Cliff Blount and his wife, Becky, have been attending Grace since 2014. The Blounts have been married since 1984 and...

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Scott Garner

Position: Elder

Scott Garner grew up at Grace and he and his wife, Tara, have been attending since 2001. The Garners have been married for 23 years and have three adult/teen children: Kenley, Harris, and Jonah. Scott and Tara have served together in the children’s ministry, adult ministry, and as pre-marital mentors at Grace for many years. Scott currently serves on the Leadership Team for the Men’s Ministry and has seen God do amazing things in both his life and the lives of men at Grace.


Scott worked for 18 years in various business roles at Dell Technologies, then shifted towards enabling business strategy through the use of data. He is currently a Data Strategy Consultant at a small consulting firm, helping companies develop and implement data strategies for their business. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Marketing from Baylor University.


Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Knowledge, Encouragement/Exhortation

I pray that Grace would continue to trust the Lord wholeheartedly, teach Biblical truth unapologetically, and pursue Christ unequivocally. I pray that the people of Grace would live like Christ in all of life.

Scott Garner


Scott Garner grew up at Grace and he and his wife, Tara, have been attending since 2001. The Garners have...

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Jason Jupe

Jason Jupe

Position: Elder

Jason has attended Grace since the summer of 2002. In addition to his role as Elder, Jason teaches in Adult Communities and Courses, volunteers with the Connections team and helps facilitate Membership Class. He works for Rimkus, where manages a team of consultants. He and his wife, Erin, have two sons, Seth and Cavin.


Spiritual Gifts: Discernment, Teaching, Leadership

I want to encourage every Grace attender to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.”


My prayer is that Grace will be a church transformed by God’s grace through close fellowship, a rich understanding of the Bible and service with one another.

Jason Jupe


Jason has attended Grace since the summer of 2002. In addition to his role as Elder, Jason teaches in Adult...

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Mark McClain

Mark McClain

Position: Elder

Mark McClain has been a member of Grace Covenant Church since 1995. He and his wife, Marjorie (Marj), have three grown children and eight grandchildren, who are a source of great joy to them. Mark has served as an elder at Grace for more than 15 years throughout the family’s time at Grace. He has also led the Empty Nesters Adult Community and acted as a teacher and leader in many ministries including various Adult Communities, the Men’s Ministry, and Life Groups.


Mark is the CEO and founder of software company SailPoint, which he preceded with a career in tech through companies such as IBM and HP and start-ups like Tivoli and Waveset. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Point Loma Nazarene University (San Diego) and a Master of Business Administration from UCLA. 


Spiritual Gifts: Giving, Discernment, Teaching

My hope and prayer is that we will all become more like Christ in all of life. It’s far too easy in our country to give lip service to the notion of Christianity. It can be more like belonging to the local community organization than experiencing a life-long passion to learn what it means to follow Christ. Living by faith, loving God passionately, truly loving others and sacrificing our desires to serve them – these are the things that will force people to ask us “why?” My prayer is that our lives will reflect Christ’s character, so people who are looking for the Truth will find themselves attracted to Him, because they see Him in us.


I pray that others will know we are followers of Christ by our love – real, authentic, grace-filled, tough-when-necessary, peacemaking, servant-hearted … love.

Mark McClain


Mark McClain has been a member of Grace Covenant Church since 1995. He and his wife, Marjorie (Marj), have three...

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Bill Schreyer

Bill Schreyer

Position: Elder

Bill has attended Grace for more than 40 years, joining shortly after relocating to Austin from New York. He and his wife, Shelley, have a long history of service with ministries at Grace. In addition to his role as Elder, Bill has served as a teacher, deacon, Men’s Ministry leadership team member and retreat speaker, small group leader, discipler, mentor, Stephen minister, and member of our prayer team.


Professionally, he has worked as a Quality Engineer, MBQA Examiner, and Quality Excellence Consultant in COO and CQO Manufacturing. He has served with the Christian Service Brigade and as a Christian camp counselor, and has a long history with non-profit administration and boards, and as a lay pastor.


Spiritual Gifts: Shepherding, Leadership, Knowledge

My continuing prayer for Grace Covenant Church is for the uncompromised truth of the Holy Scripture preached, taught and lived through our lives until the Lord returns. It is my prayer the result of living this truth will be an irrepressible love for the Lord, one another, for those that need God’s salvation and an abundant flow of souls coming to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bill Schreyer


Bill has attended Grace for more than 40 years, joining shortly after relocating to Austin from New York. He and...

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Pastors and Directors

Matt Cassidy

Dr. Matt Cassidy

Position: Senior Pastor & Elder

Dr. Matt Cassidy and his wife, Melinda, have been married for 38 years and have three children. Their son, Ryan, and his wife, Gayle, have two daughters and live in Austin. Daughters Carey and Amy live and work in California. The Cassidys began attending Grace in 1988, and Matt was hired as Interim Youth Pastor in November 1989. He has served as Senior Pastor and Elder for 22 years, after serving in Student Ministry for 9.5 years and Adult Ministry for 2 years at Grace.


Dr. Cassidy holds a BBA in Finance from the University of Texas in Austin, a Master of Divinity from the International School of Theology, and a Doctorate of Ministry from Talbot School of Theology.


Spiritual Gifts: Teaching and Leadership


“My vision for Grace is for Her to become all that God created Her to become. I believe local churches are like people: designed uniquely for special good works in Christ, arranged before time. My vision is that Grace would continue to grow in courage in her obedience to the desires of the Father, by the power of the Spirit, for the exaltation of the Son.


My passion is to see peoples’ lives change by helping them understand the depths of Bible truth and applying those truths; relying on the Spirit. I pray that Grace would introduce and guide each and every person we can touch to progressively experience the power, honor and freedom that comes with a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.”

Dr. Matt Cassidy

Senior Pastor & Elder

Dr. Matt Cassidy and his wife, Melinda, have been married for 38 years and have three children. Their son, Ryan,...

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Ray Anderson

Position: Executive Pastor & Elder

Pastor Ray Anderson has been married to his wife, Diana, for 44 years. They raised four children:

  • Oldest son, Christopher, his wife Danielle and three daughters, Lillie, Hannah, and Ella live in Kentucky.
  • Son, Kirk, his wife Rebecca, their son, Desmond, and daughter, soon to be born, live in Pennsylvania
  • Our daughter, Mallory, and youngest son, Keaton, live in the Austin area

The Andersons moved to Austin in 1990 from College Station and became members during that first year. Ray joined the pastoral staff in 1995 in Adult Ministry, where he served for five years until becoming the Executive Pastor in 2000. He and Diana served in the Children’s Ministry, led and taught Adult Communities, and Ray and Dr. Cassidy launched the life-stage communities in 1998 including Young Couples, New Parents, Young Families and Parenting Teens.

Ray holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from Georgia Tech and a Master of Arts in Adult Education from the University of Texas. He has completed seminary courses through the Institute of Biblical Studies with Campus Crusade for Christ (now “Cru”), where he served on staff for 17 years. He is a trained Mediator and Conflict Coach through Peacemaker Ministry and has written and contributed to various Bible study materials and the book, “Search for Significance.”

Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Administration

I pray the people of Grace would be overwhelmed by the grace God has shown them and this compels them to love God and show it through their lives.

Ray Anderson

Executive Pastor & Elder

Pastor Ray Anderson has been married to his wife, Diana, for 44 years. They raised four children: Oldest son, Christopher,...

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Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling

Position: Pastor of Family Life & Team Lead for Family Life Discipleship Team

Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling was born and raised at Grace Covenant Church, growing up in the children’s and youth ministries. He has served on staff for 19 years, starting as Associate Youth Pastor for three years, Youth Pastor for eight years, Adult Discipleship Pastor for two years (concurrent with his Family Life role) and exclusively as Pastor of Family Life for seven years and Team Lead for the Family Life Discipleship Team. Jeremiah holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas A&M University, and a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Talbot School of Theology. He and his wife, Dayna, have four children and a dog, Bentley.

Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Exhortation

My prayer for Grace is Ephesians 3:17b-19
“I pray that GCC, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that GCC may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling

Pastor of Family Life & Team Lead for Family Life Discipleship Team

Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling was born and raised at Grace Covenant Church, growing up in the children’s and youth ministries. He...

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Melissa Eckel

Position: Pastor of Women's Ministry

Melissa loves helping women grow in their relationship with Jesus and in freedom to be who He made them to be. She has been attending Grace since 2002 when she joined the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) ministry and re-dedicated her life to Christ, going on to serve in Grace Kids, Adult Communities and the Women’s Ministry before coming on staff in 2011. In her role as Women’s Ministry Pastor, Melissa oversees all women’s ministries including Women’s Bible Studies, Mothers of Preschoolers, MOMSnext, Square One, women’s retreats, Girlfriends at Grace events, and the Cultivate Discipleship Ministry. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Houston and is currently pursuing a seminary degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Melissa and her husband, Preston, have four children.


Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Administration

My prayer for Grace is that we would be people who show the love of Christ to all, regardless of who they are, where they’ve been or past experiences. That we would accept people right where they are and disciple them to become more like Christ in all of life.

Melissa Eckel

Pastor of Women's Ministry

Melissa loves helping women grow in their relationship with Jesus and in freedom to be who He made them to...

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Robert Morris

Position: Pastor of Men’s Ministry & Team Lead for Targeted Discipleship Team

Robert has served at Grace since 2012, where he started as Children’s Pastor for seven years before moving into his role as Pastor of Men’s Ministry and Team Lead for the Targeted Discipleship Team. Robert holds a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from Louisiana College and a Master’s in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Lauren, have two children.

Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Leadership, Serving

My prayer is that Grace would live up to her high calling of being a faith family where men and women of all ages are in the process of becoming like Christ in all of their lives. As we do that, that we would demonstrate to our local community and the world around us that Jesus Christ is King.

Robert Morris

Pastor of Men’s Ministry & Team Lead for Targeted Discipleship Team

Robert has served at Grace since 2012, where he started as Children’s Pastor for seven years before moving into his...

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Kris Linenberger

Position: Connections Ministry Associate

Kris’ ministry is to create discipleship opportunities by helping others connect within the church body, particularly through assimilation, life groups and hospitality. He and his wife, Lisa, have been attending Grace for more than 27 years. Kris holds a Master of Science in Social Work from Texas State University and served in various Grace ministries as a volunteer before joining the staff in 2017. Kris and Lisa have two daughters and two lovably noisy Goldens. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Mercy, Discernment

I am constantly encouraged with all the testimonies I hear from Grace congregants. My prayer is Matthew 5:14, that we continue to be the “light to the world” here in Austin. That the Spirit will continue to work on the hearts of those who drive by our campus every day and we will be ready to receive them when they walk on campus.

Kris Linenberger

Connections Ministry Associate

Kris’ ministry is to create discipleship opportunities by helping others connect within the church body, particularly through assimilation, life groups...

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Dr. Kevin Maurice

Position: Pastor of Adult Ministry & Team Lead for Community Discipleship Team

Dr. Kevin Maurice has served at Grace since 2011, first as the Middle School Pastor for five years and then Youth Pastor for seven, before moving into his role as Pastor of Adult Ministry and Team Lead for the Community Discipleship Team. Kevin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Texas, a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kate, have four daughters: Mary, Evangeline, Rhiannon, and Blake.


Spiritual Gifts: Teaching, Leadership, Administration

I pray that God would lead Grace Covenant Church to be a community of believers that loves the Lord with all of our hearts, minds, and strength. And that we would love our neighbors, our neighborhoods, and our city with the love of Christ.

Dr. Kevin Maurice

Pastor of Adult Ministry & Team Lead for Community Discipleship Team

Dr. Kevin Maurice has served at Grace since 2011, first as the Middle School Pastor for five years and then...

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David Thompson

Position: Adult Discipleship Pastor

David serves as the Adult Discipleship Pastor, overseeing the teachers and leaders of the Communities and Courses offered at Grace Covenant Church. David has a heart for discipleship and equipping people for the work of the ministry and desires to cultivate a ministry culture where people get connected, and disciples make disciples. He completed his undergraduate degree from Liberty University and earned a Master of Divinity from Southern California Seminary. David and his wife, Jaclynn, have three young children and have served at Grace since he joined the staff in 2020.


Spiritual Gifts: Encouragement/Exhortation

David Thompson

Adult Discipleship Pastor

David serves as the Adult Discipleship Pastor, overseeing the teachers and leaders of the Communities and Courses offered at Grace...

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Keaton Koch

Position: Mobilization Pastor

Keaton began serving at Grace in 2022, after spending 10 years in cross-cultural mission experience, both internationally and domestically, before starting as the Pastor of Mobilization. Keaton holds a Master of Arts in Church Planting from Southeastern Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Liesha, have a son and a daughter. The Kochs lived abroad for several years as overseas missionaries and together participate locally with the best city partners in the world. In addition to leading mission trips and mobilization efforts, Keaton serves in Grace Kids, and is a member of the Young Families community and The Quest Men’s Ministry.


Spiritual Gifts: Apostleship, Leadership, Evangelism

I pray that God grant the people of Grace to be strengthened with power through His Spirit (Ephesians 3:16) and so be filled with the fullness of God, such that we are unified in faith and conviction, such that the Word we received would “sound forth” (1 Thes. 1:8) throughout the City, the Americas, and the Nations.

Keaton Koch

Mobilization Pastor

Keaton began serving at Grace in 2022, after spending 10 years in cross-cultural mission experience, both internationally and domestically, before...

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Austen Hornung

Austen Hornung

Position: Youth Pastor

Austen started as Associate Youth Pastor at Grace in 2022, partly due to Grace’s high value for Youth Ministry and the many amazing people who pour into the students as adult volunteers, student leaders, and college-age Summer Staff. He took on the role of Interim Youth Pastor in July 2023, where he also assists in teaching the Parenting Teens Community. Austen holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Texas A&M University, after which he completed three years of full-time ministry to college students in College Station. He recently completed a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Ashley, have two young daughters, an Australian shepherd and a cat, and enjoy participating in Grace Kids and the Young Families Community.


Spiritual Gifts: Knowledge, Teaching, Shepherding

Lord God, I pray that the people of Grace would love you and other people in a way that inspires others to do the same. I ask that older believers would disciple younger believers, modeling what it looks like to follow Jesus in all of life. Lord, let us be a people who are ready to share the Gospel and quick to invite neighbors, friends, coworkers, and classmates to be a part of what you are doing in and through us. Amen.

Austen Hornung

Youth Pastor

Austen started as Associate Youth Pastor at Grace in 2022, partly due to Grace’s high value for Youth Ministry and...

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Fred Johnson

Position: Director of Operations

Fred came to Grace as Director of Operations in 2023, just in time to help us through an ice storm! Prior to joining us, he spent many years as a Personnel and Operations Manager in the computer industry. Fred holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Texas, and recently completed a Master’s of Christian Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Gloria, have one adult son and daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren.


Spiritual Gifts: Wisdom, Discernment, Administration

Fred Johnson

Director of Operations

Fred came to Grace as Director of Operations in 2023, just in time to help us through an ice storm!...

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Julie Loftsgaarden

Position: Director of Communications

Julie is a former journalist and PR executive with a passion for storytelling and is thrilled to get to use that skillset for Grace Covenant Church. She oversees all communications emanating from the church with particular focus on how God is moving among the people of Grace.  She attended American University in Washington D.C, worked as a television reporter in Reno, NV and Austin, TX and as VP at a national Public Relations firm before joining Grace in 2024.


As someone who became a believer later in life, she still has “pinch me” moments that she came to know the One who made her.


Julie and her husband Ben were raised in Las Vegas and have three sons: Elias, Jonas, and Julian.


Spiritual Gifts: Mercy, Discernament, Apostleship

“So many traverse this world not knowing where they came from, why they’re here, or where they’re going. It’s my deepest prayer that others will come to know the unrelenting love of God and the astounding acceptance and forgiveness that come through the gift of his Son.”

‘The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.’ Exodus 14:14

‘If there are a thousand steps between us and God, He will take all but one. He will leave the final one for us. The choice is ours.’ Max Lucado

Julie Loftsgaarden

Director of Communications

Julie is a former journalist and PR executive with a passion for storytelling and is thrilled to get to use...

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Worship Ministry

Christi Blackley

Position: Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor

Christi Blackley

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor

James Baugus

Position: Videographer

James Baugus


Josh Leisure

Position: Production Specialist

Josh Leisure

Production Specialist

Adult Ministries

David Thompson

Position: Adult Discipleship Pastor

David serves as the Adult Discipleship Pastor, overseeing the teachers and leaders of the Communities and Courses offered at Grace Covenant Church. David has a heart for discipleship and equipping people for the work of the ministry and desires to cultivate a ministry culture where people get connected, and disciples make disciples. He completed his undergraduate degree from Liberty University and earned a Master of Divinity from Southern California Seminary. David and his wife, Jaclynn, have three young children and have served at Grace since he joined the staff in 2020.


Spiritual Gifts: Encouragement/Exhortation

David Thompson

Adult Discipleship Pastor

Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling

Position: Pastor of Family Life & Team Lead for Family Life Discipleship Team

Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling was born and raised at Grace Covenant Church, growing up in the children’s and youth ministries. He has served on staff for 19 years, starting as Associate Youth Pastor for three years, Youth Pastor for eight years, Adult Discipleship Pastor for two years (concurrent with his Family Life role) and exclusively as Pastor of Family Life for seven years and Team Lead for the Family Life Discipleship Team. Jeremiah holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Texas A&M University, and a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Talbot School of Theology. He and his wife, Dayna, have four children and a dog, Bentley.

Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Exhortation

My prayer for Grace is Ephesians 3:17b-19
“I pray that GCC, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that GCC may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

Dr. Jeremiah Ebeling

Pastor of Family Life & Team Lead for Family Life Discipleship Team

Jennifer Hipp

Position: Care Associate

Jennifer Hipp

Care Associate

Keaton Koch

Position: Mobilization Pastor

Keaton began serving at Grace in 2022, after spending 10 years in cross-cultural mission experience, both internationally and domestically, before starting as the Pastor of Mobilization. Keaton holds a Master of Arts in Church Planting from Southeastern Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Liesha, have a son and a daughter. The Kochs lived abroad for several years as overseas missionaries and together participate locally with the best city partners in the world. In addition to leading mission trips and mobilization efforts, Keaton serves in Grace Kids, and is a member of the Young Families community and The Quest Men’s Ministry.


Spiritual Gifts: Apostleship, Leadership, Evangelism

I pray that God grant the people of Grace to be strengthened with power through His Spirit (Ephesians 3:16) and so be filled with the fullness of God, such that we are unified in faith and conviction, such that the Word we received would “sound forth” (1 Thes. 1:8) throughout the City, the Americas, and the Nations.

Keaton Koch

Mobilization Pastor

Kris Linenberger

Position: Connections Ministry Associate

Kris’ ministry is to create discipleship opportunities by helping others connect within the church body, particularly through assimilation, life groups and hospitality. He and his wife, Lisa, have been attending Grace for more than 27 years. Kris holds a Master of Science in Social Work from Texas State University and served in various Grace ministries as a volunteer before joining the staff in 2017. Kris and Lisa have two daughters and two lovably noisy Goldens. He is currently pursuing a Master’s in Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Mercy, Discernment

I am constantly encouraged with all the testimonies I hear from Grace congregants. My prayer is Matthew 5:14, that we continue to be the “light to the world” here in Austin. That the Spirit will continue to work on the hearts of those who drive by our campus every day and we will be ready to receive them when they walk on campus.

Kris Linenberger

Connections Ministry Associate

Dr. Kevin Maurice

Position: Pastor of Adult Ministry & Team Lead for Community Discipleship Team

Dr. Kevin Maurice has served at Grace since 2011, first as the Middle School Pastor for five years and then Youth Pastor for seven, before moving into his role as Pastor of Adult Ministry and Team Lead for the Community Discipleship Team. Kevin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Texas, a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Kate, have four daughters: Mary, Evangeline, Rhiannon, and Blake.


Spiritual Gifts: Teaching, Leadership, Administration

I pray that God would lead Grace Covenant Church to be a community of believers that loves the Lord with all of our hearts, minds, and strength. And that we would love our neighbors, our neighborhoods, and our city with the love of Christ.

Dr. Kevin Maurice

Pastor of Adult Ministry & Team Lead for Community Discipleship Team

Krista Effland

Position: Family Life & Mobilization Admin

Krista Effland

Family Life & Mobilization Admin

Laurinda Rohrer

Position: Adult Discipleship Admin

Laurinda Rohrer

Adult Discipleship Admin
Leslie Evetts

Leslie Evetts

Position: Women's Ministry Associate

Leslie Evetts

Women's Ministry Associate

Melissa Eckel

Position: Pastor of Women's Ministry

Melissa loves helping women grow in their relationship with Jesus and in freedom to be who He made them to be. She has been attending Grace since 2002 when she joined the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) ministry and re-dedicated her life to Christ, going on to serve in Grace Kids, Adult Communities and the Women’s Ministry before coming on staff in 2011. In her role as Women’s Ministry Pastor, Melissa oversees all women’s ministries including Women’s Bible Studies, Mothers of Preschoolers, MOMSnext, Square One, women’s retreats, Girlfriends at Grace events, and the Cultivate Discipleship Ministry. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Houston and is currently pursuing a seminary degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. Melissa and her husband, Preston, have four children.


Spiritual Gifts: Leadership, Shepherding, Administration

My prayer for Grace is that we would be people who show the love of Christ to all, regardless of who they are, where they’ve been or past experiences. That we would accept people right where they are and disciple them to become more like Christ in all of life.

Melissa Eckel

Pastor of Women's Ministry

Millie Lindsey

Position: Care & Adult Ministries Admin

Millie Lindsey

Care & Adult Ministries Admin

Robert Morris

Position: Pastor of Men’s Ministry & Team Lead for Targeted Discipleship Team

Robert has served at Grace since 2012, where he started as Children’s Pastor for seven years before moving into his role as Pastor of Men’s Ministry and Team Lead for the Targeted Discipleship Team. Robert holds a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from Louisiana College and a Master’s in Biblical Counseling from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Lauren, have two children.

Spiritual Gifts: Administration, Leadership, Serving

My prayer is that Grace would live up to her high calling of being a faith family where men and women of all ages are in the process of becoming like Christ in all of their lives. As we do that, that we would demonstrate to our local community and the world around us that Jesus Christ is King.

Robert Morris

Pastor of Men’s Ministry & Team Lead for Targeted Discipleship Team
Ruth Yates

Ruth Yates

Position: Administrative Assistant for Men at Grace and Women at Grace

Ruth Yates

Administrative Assistant for Men at Grace and Women at Grace

Sarah Wroblewski

Position: Women's Ministry Resident

Sarah Wroblewski

Women's Ministry Resident
Savannah Crisp

Savannah Crisp

Position: Hospitality Coordinator & Connections Admin

Savannah Crisp

Hospitality Coordinator & Connections Admin

Grace Kids and Grace Youth

Ana Mendez

Position: Early Childhood Director

Ana Mendez

Early Childhood Director
Austen Hornung

Austen Hornung

Position: Youth Pastor

Austen started as Associate Youth Pastor at Grace in 2022, partly due to Grace’s high value for Youth Ministry and the many amazing people who pour into the students as adult volunteers, student leaders, and college-age Summer Staff. He took on the role of Interim Youth Pastor in July 2023, where he also assists in teaching the Parenting Teens Community. Austen holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Texas A&M University, after which he completed three years of full-time ministry to college students in College Station. He recently completed a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Ashley, have two young daughters, an Australian shepherd and a cat, and enjoy participating in Grace Kids and the Young Families Community.


Spiritual Gifts: Knowledge, Teaching, Shepherding

Lord God, I pray that the people of Grace would love you and other people in a way that inspires others to do the same. I ask that older believers would disciple younger believers, modeling what it looks like to follow Jesus in all of life. Lord, let us be a people who are ready to share the Gospel and quick to invite neighbors, friends, coworkers, and classmates to be a part of what you are doing in and through us. Amen.

Austen Hornung

Youth Pastor

Gracie Ramsey

Position: Children's Ministry Volunteer Coordinator

Gracie Ramsey

Children's Ministry Volunteer Coordinator

Hillary Cox

Position: Childcare Coordinator

Hillary Cox

Childcare Coordinator

Jennifer Henke

Position: Children's Resource Coordinator

Jennifer Henke

Children's Resource Coordinator

Lauren Allen

Position: Elementary Director

Lauren Allen

Elementary Director

Rebecca Eckert

Position: Grace Kids Administrative Assistant

Rebecca Eckert

Grace Kids Administrative Assistant
Tammy Davenport

Tammy Davenport

Position: Grace Youth Administrative Assistant

Tammy Davenport

Grace Youth Administrative Assistant

Thomas Oates

Position: Youth Ministry Resident

Thomas Oates

Youth Ministry Resident

Victoria Rodriguez

Position: Youth Ministry Resident

Victoria Rodriguez

Youth Ministry Resident

Operations and Services

Ben Wenzel

Position: Visual Communications Specialist

Ben Wenzel

Visual Communications Specialist

Cam Rinker

Position: Facilities Team Member

Cam Rinker

Facilities Team Member

Corey Jones

Position: Safety and Security Coordinator

Corey Jones

Safety and Security Coordinator

Erin Rodriguez

Position: Receptionist

Erin Rodriguez


Fred Johnson

Position: Director of Operations

Fred came to Grace as Director of Operations in 2023, just in time to help us through an ice storm! Prior to joining us, he spent many years as a Personnel and Operations Manager in the computer industry. Fred holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Texas, and recently completed a Master’s of Christian Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Gloria, have one adult son and daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren.


Spiritual Gifts: Wisdom, Discernment, Administration

Fred Johnson

Director of Operations
Jamesetta Stewart

Jamesetta Stewart

Position: Housekeeping Team Lead

Jamesetta Stewart

Housekeeping Team Lead
Jennifer Maham

Jennifer Maham

Position: Database Administrator

Jennifer Maham

Database Administrator
John Banks

John Banks

Position: Facilities Manager

John Banks

Facilities Manager
Kam Clark

Kam Clark

Position: Digital Communications Specialist

Kam Clark

Digital Communications Specialist
Lisa McGary

Lisa McGary

Position: Office Manager and Facility Coordinator

Lisa McGary

Office Manager and Facility Coordinator

Rob Phillips

Position: Facilities Team Member

Rob Phillips

Facilities Team Member
Tyrone Hopkins

Tyrone Hopkins

Position: IT Systems Coordinator

Tyrone Hopkins

IT Systems Coordinator
Wakiumu Nyoike

Wakiumu Nyoike

Position: Maintenance Supervisor

Wakiumu Nyoike

Maintenance Supervisor