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Ongoing Opportunities to Serve

What are your Spiritual Gifts and how are you using them at Grace? We love to ask each other these questions as we grow in understanding of one another and how God has uniquely gifted each of us with gifts that serve the Body of Christ (the church) and those in need around us to glorify Him and His Kingdom.


Below, you’ll find opportunities to get connected within our ministry areas, each of which includes a description of the gifts well-suited for service within the ministry. Complete the interest form at the bottom of this page to get started.

Adult Discipleship
The Adult Discipleship Communities at Grace seek people to encourage, edify and educate while providing connection and partnership with others in similar life stages as you. All groups are interactive, with a teacher delivering content, followed by time with others in conversation, prayer, and connection. Our teaching curriculum is highly application-driven to help foster relational discipleship. We aim to come alongside the people of Grace and help them become more like Christ in all of life.


To learn more about the opportunities to serve in the Adult Discipleship Ministry at Grace, please email or select “Adult Discipleship” in the form below.


Gifts ideal for service with Adult Discipleship Communities:

Administration, Encouragement/Exhortation, Hospitality, Leadership, Mercy, Serving, Shepherding, Teaching, and Wisdom


There are many opportunities for those with the gifts of Mercy and more to serve with our Care Ministry. These are found through Care Ministers, Celebrate Recovery leaders, or through our Prayer Shawl ministry. To learn how you can get started, selected “Grace Cares” in the form below.


Prayer Shawl

Prayer Shawl is an outreach ministry of women who crochet or knit to offer shawls they donate to comfort those who are suffering from loss, cancer, serious illness, or any trial in which one needs to feel God’s love and strength. The group meets twice per month, on the2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 1-2:30 pm in the Brides room in the Worship Center.


For more information, contact Linda Kelley (512-563-3608) or Donna Strader (512-335-9220) We also accept monetary donations, needles, crochet hooks, yarn, knitting or crocheting books or patterns. We kindly ask that wool yarn is not donated since some people are allergic to wool.


Gifts ideal for service with GraceCares:

Discernment, Encouragement/Exhortation, Mercy, and Wisdom

Grace Kids

Serving with Grace Kids on Sunday mornings can make a huge and eternal impact in the lives of children at Grace. Volunteers join our church in guiding children to become more like Christ in all of life.


Various roles include but are not limited to leading children in large- and small-group settings, being a part of the Grace Kids Guest Services Team or a Special Needs Buddy, helping with the Supply Team during the week and assisting with audio/visual needs in the large-group worship environments.


If you’re interested, please fill out our interest form or select “Grace Kids” in the form below. Feel free to email if you have questions about what volunteering with Grace Kids is like.


Gifts ideal for service with our children’s ministry:

Administration, Discernment, Encouragement/Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy, Serving, Shepherding, Teaching, and Wisdom

Grace Youth

Grace Youth works with individuals and couples who are passionate about discipling middle school and high school students. Leader positions typically span a full school year, though many leaders choose to stay with the same class of students through their graduation.


If you’re interested in serving with the Youth Ministry, select “Grace Youth” in the form below or email for more information.


Gifts ideal for service with Grace Youth:

Encouragement/Exhortation, Evangelism, Hospitality, Prophecy, Shepherding, Teaching, and Wisdom

Marriage Ministry

The Marriage Ministry at Grace provides pre-engaged, premarital and married couples support through all of the stages, joys and challenges of biblical marriage. There are opportunities for couples to serve as mentors for premarital couples or re|engage groups or act as a greeter and hospitality support person for re|engage and other marriage events.


For more information, select “Marriage Ministry” in the form below or email


Gifts ideal for service with our marriage ministry:

Encouragement/Exhortation, Hospitality, Leadership, Serving, Shepherding, and Teaching


Grace is a large church, and it can feel overwhelming to someone who is new. For those who come to Grace, hospitality looks like:

  • being given a ride on the golf cart from the parking lot
  • receiving a “We’re glad you’re here!” and a smile at the door
  • having someone to answer your questions
  • a bag of cookies and an invitation to conversation
  • getting a cup of coffee and donuts.

In general, it’s helping everyone feel seen and welcomed when they come to worship at Grace. It’s being like Christ to those around you. If you’re interested in volunteering in hospitality, select “Hospitality” in the form below.


Questions? Download the Hospitality Volunteer FAQ for more details.


Gifts ideal for service with the Hospitality ministry:

Administration, Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Hospitality, Knowledge, Mercy, and Serving

Men at Grace

Men’s Ministry events and activities provide many opportunities to serve throughout the year, in one-time or ongoing commitments. In particular, we are looking for men who are interested in leading a men’s small group or serving as a co-lead for our Quest or other men’s groups, or serving at one-time events such as Man Night, Retreats, etc.


For more information, select “Men at Grace” in the form below or email


Gifts ideal for service with Men’s Ministry:

Administration, Encouragement/Exhortation, Leadership, and Shepherding


Mobilization at Grace provides opportunities for people to serve in mission trips and through ministry partners throughout the city and other regions. However, there are also ways the people of Grace can serve the body of Christ through Mobilization here at home. This includes events like Night to Shine (sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation) or Operation Christmas Child, and ongoing community outreach and volunteerism.


For more information, select “Mobilization” in the form below or email Or, visit Mobilization at Grace to learn more about our upcoming mission trips and other opportunities. 


Gifts ideal for service with Mobilization:

Apostleship, Evangelism, and Giving

Women at Grace

Women at Grace has many ministries to help guide women to become like Christ in all of life. Volunteers in our various ministry areas have enormous potential to impact the lives of women and those in their sphere of influence for Christ, and there are lots of opportunities to serve. Using your gifts builds up the church and is one of the most important ways to grow in your faith and find and develop friendships. To find out more about the many ways to serve, contact or select “Women at Grace” in the form below.


Gifts ideal for service with Women’s Ministry:

Administration, Discernment, Encouragement/Exhortation, Evangelism, Faith, Hospitality, Knowledge, Leadership, Mercy, Prophecy, Serving, Shepherding, Teaching, and Wisdom

Worship and Production

Each Sunday service and special event needs the support of our Worship and Production teams to create an environment for our congregation to bring glory to God through worship. If you love to be behind the scenes and have an interest in technology and the arts, we have a place for you on our production team. Many positions do not require experience – we will train you! If you have a passion for worship music and are skilled in playing a musical instrument or singing, we’d love to have you audition for our worship team.


We’re always looking for:

  • Camera, Lighting & Computer Operators
  • Musicians & Vocalists
  • And more!


To learn more, select “Worship Band” or “Production” on the form below or email Jonathan Britnell at


Gifts ideal for service with the Worship and Production ministry:

Administration, Faith, and Serving

Creative Team

The Communications Team and Worship and Production Team at Grace are always looking for people passionate about storytelling to come alongside our staff through visual, digital and creative arts. This includes photography, design, videography, photo and video editing, social media, writing, and more! Volunteers can be adults and youth – it’s a great outlet for middle school students and older looking to build a portfolio or flex a creative muscle they don’t always get to use.


To learn more, select “Creative Team” on the form below or email Kam Clark at


Gifts ideal for service with the Creative Team:

Administration, Apostleship, Discernment, Evangelism, Faith, Giving, Knowledge, and Serving

Not sure where to start?

At Grace, we believe we are Gifted to Serve the body of Christ through the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit. We recommend trying our free, online Spiritual Gifts Assessment to guide you about your top giftings and see how the Lord might use those in ministry service and mobilization. Learn more about Spiritual Gifts.